Bow & Quiver
Today I'm dreaming of archery. Growing up I took lessons on how to shoot a bow. I used to love it so much. My old bow is at my parent's house, but I wish I had it with me here today. Adventure.
McDonald's fries. Salty to-the-max and full of calories. Yet I couldn't stop eating them. My office manager at work brought me some McDonald's fries today as a joke. Before she left the office to run some errands she sent out an email asking if anyone needed anything. I jokingly replied, "French fries. ;)" Twenty minutes later she plopped a bag on my desk and walked off laughing.
Occasionally, I love to pig-out on fries. How about you? What are your "guilty pleasures"?
When someone says, “See ya later, alligator,” you should say, “Goodbye, horsefly.”
photo via: Sharpie Blog
So, I gotta say, I am loving this Jaques tote bag from Wayne Pate. I was browsing the A Cup of Jo blog where she had posted about the Sammy the Seagull print and had to take a look. I'd love one of these. It's just so cute!
30 Rock

I don't know if I've posted about this before, but I love the TV show 30 Rock. It's hilarious and cute and witty. Tina Fey plays the lead character, Liz. She's completely lovable and awkward. Lately I've been using references to 30 Rock a lot in everyday life. Most of the time people don't get it and I have to explain. I'm not completely sure they fully appreciate what I am doing for their lives: Enriching them with comedy. Because 30 is chock-full of comedy. So technically, because I share 30 Rock quotes, I am super hilarious, too. Right?
Any-whoozle. I love this dialogue.
(Talking after Liz finds a strange number in her phone.)
Jenna: Future husband? Who did you put in your address book as "Future Husband"?
Liz: I have absolutely no idea.
Jenna: Well, whenever I find something weird in my cell phone, I can usually trace it back to last time I was drunk.
Liz: Oh my God, the dentist's office!
Jenna: Your dentist gets drunk with you, too?
You can see full episodes on NBC's website: NBC.com
Bad Boys
Hey all! I just wanted to share this post. I found it to be a good reminder to not settle for just anyone when I get into a relationship again.
Text vs. Voice
I was just thinking about this. Nowadays people talk all the time. We’re talking much more often and usually in contact with people for the majority of the day. For example: My best friend and I have recently started texting everyday. I’ll usually shoot him over something a few hours after I wake up (which he doesn’t respond to for a few hours because he’s lazy). We then text back and forth for most of the day and it usually ends in me saying goodnight (because I’m lazy and go to bed a few hours earlier than him). Lately we’ve been talking on the phone one night a week. This is always fun and cool. We’ll talk for an hour or two and then be done with phone calls for the week. As I was thinking about this, I contemplated how much more I value our talks on the phone. There aren’t as many gray areas where I’m left thinking, “Did he spell that wrong on purpose?” or, “Is he joking or not?” Of course, you can’t spell wrong when you talk out loud (unless you’re spelling out loud…). But that’s beside the point. So much more emotion can be conveyed through your voice than the 160 characters of text messaging allow. I can quickly tell if someone is joking or not and I don’t have to decipher “LOL JSTN BBR ROX! WNT 2 GO 2 HIZ SHW?!”
In all of this madness I simply wonder if we are substituting the value of one long, meaningful conversation for the convenience of one-hundred shorter ones. I’m not saying there can’t be value in a short text that says something sweet. But I’m thinking that our relationships may be suffering because we want things to develop so fast.
I sometimes feel like because I keep him filled in on so much throughout my day, my best friend and I might not have as much to talk about. There may be more details I want to disclose but usually don’t because, hay, who wants to beat a dead horse? (no pun intended.)
Here’s a ridiculous comparison I put together. It’s simply an observation. There are so many facets to this debate that this can in no way sum up what’s really happening.
1,000 Text Messages = A Little Kid’s Sticky Ice-Cream-Hands
73 Facebook Comments = A Trip to a Skating Rink
14 Voice Calls = A Mythical Creature Speaking Your Name
Meeting and Talking In Person = Living on a Rainbow, Loving Life, Eating Candy, (Insert Whatever You Love here)
Just talk in person. If you can. Voice talkin’ comes in as the #2 option, obviously. Mythical creatures only come in second to rainbows today. It’s not like that always, trust me.
To Be Back
At first I came back because it was the right thing to do.
But I know now that I must allow Him to woo me back with His love.
To be entranced by His beauty and majesty and the longings of my soul.
Though I cannot see Him, my soul can feel the air of His presence.
It is something altogether a mystery, yet altogether a fact that my soul testifies to.
A Story.
I'll just be honest. Lately I've been feeling less than fabulous about my blog. Probably because my best friend just started a blog about movies that is hilarious and oh-so-good. But I'm feeling the urge to post something new. I just read a hilarious story that it'd like to share. It's from the super cute blog, On the Front Porch.
Earlier this week, my neighbor put a cutesy little sign on her door saying something like, "Sorry for the noise and mess. The kids are busy making happy memories."
How ridiculous am I, that for a split second I thought about how I wanted to "comment on her post"?
How ridiculous am I, that for a split second I thought about how I wanted to "comment on her post"?
Modern Doll House
This amazing picture came from the inside of a doll house! I can't believe how completely realistic it looks!
In Exile
I love Dustin Kensrue. I've been hearing this awesome song on the radio and found out that it's Thrice. Now, even though Dustin is the lead singer I've never listened to them before. But after hearing this song and reading the lyrics, I might...
Click here to listen to the song (right click to open in new tab)
The lyrics to Thrice's new song "In Exile":
I am in exile, a sojourner
A citizen of some other place
All I've seen is just a glimmer in a shadowy mirror
But I know, one day well see face to face
I am a nomad, a wanderer
I have nowhere to lay my head down
There's no point in putting roots too deep when I'm moving on
Not settling for this unsettling town
My heart is filled with songs of forever
The city that endures when all is made new
I know I don't belong here, I'll never
Call this place my home, I'm just passing through
I am a pilgrim, a voyager
I wont rest until my lips touch the shore
Of the land that I've been longing for as long as I've lived
Where they'll be no pain or tears anymore
My heart is filled with songs of forever
The city that endures when all is made new
I know I don't belong here, I'll never
Call this place my home, I'm just passing through
Happy Birthday Hoorah
Last night was my friend Hailee's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!
We went to a restaurant on the 40th floor of a building in downtown Fort Worth. Out the big windows you could see all of downtown below. This weekend is the Main St. Fort Worth Arts Festival and there are a ton of tents set up all over. From the restaurant we could see all the little tents lit up in the dark. It looked so quaint.
In the restaurant they had a dance floor and a cool house band. Old couples danced around and looked so regal and happy. The place is old and expensive and you can tell there are people who have gone there to have dinner for years. The food was delicious and I had so much fun with all the girls. The only issue I had was with my shoes. I borrowed a pair of heels from my friend, Miles, to wear. They were a bit big, so I was clomping around everywhere and they kept slipping off my heel. I felt like a fool. But I had on a super cute dress I bought for eight dollars, so who's the fool? :)
El Tigre!
It's my bestie's first day of school today! I'm so excited for her! She's going through the instructor's program at Paul Mitchell. This is a new phase for her, to say the least. No more job (for now...), full time school and adventure in her heart. As I told her earlier, GO GET EM, EL TIGRE! <3
Awesome New Toy

So, this Ben 10: Alien Force Quickshot Game is cool. I played it for the first time at the toy store today. Each side of the game has little handles with a trigger on them. When you pull the trigger, a little ball shoots out toward the opponent's pieces. The goal is to shoot all of your opponents pieces out faster than they can shoot out yours. It is awesome because when you hit a piece, it shoots out and goes flying into the air. And a nice thing about this game is that it is all contained under a clear sheet of thick plastic. No chasing after loose pieces with this one! There are a few very small drawbacks, though. You have to pull the trigger kinda hard to get it to shoot. This isn't really a problem once the game gets underway though; you are so focused on shooting out your opponent's pieces that you don't even notice. The other drawback is that occasionally the balls will shoot out of the top of the handle, so it's best to keep a hand on top of it. Once again, no big issue. I think it gets you more into the mindset of, "I'm shooting aliens!"
Love this game. It's geared more toward boys, what with it being an alien shooting game, but that doesn't matter to me. I gotta admit it makes me feel way victorious to win.
Cause, hey... I'm shooting aliens today.
Workin' Days
Well, things have started to look up. I'm not nearly as stressed out as I was a few days ago. I've decided that I've made my bed and I'm gonna sleep in it. It might not be a Simmon's Beauty-Rest Pillow-Top mattress, but it'll do for now.
I'll be working full-time in the office at a construction company I've been working at for about 6 months. I've been working part-time, but now is as good a time as any to keep on keepin' on.
I'm a little sad that I have to quit my job at the toy store. Mainly because it has been da bomb, yo. I'm going to miss being able to play games and run around and sing.
I'll be working full-time in the office at a construction company I've been working at for about 6 months. I've been working part-time, but now is as good a time as any to keep on keepin' on.
I'm a little sad that I have to quit my job at the toy store. Mainly because it has been da bomb, yo. I'm going to miss being able to play games and run around and sing.
I Feel Like An Official Failure.
I feel like a real big stoop.
I have no idea what I’m doing!
I feel like a mouse trapped in a maze.
I just told my boss at my part-time office job that I want to work full time.
And now… Now I am freaking out.
What am I thinking?
I don’t even like it here!
I’m going to turn down a part time job that I just got yesterday.
And that job seems pretty decent.
But I’m scared.
Money is the issue.
My shoulders are tense from this job.
Why do I want it?
I don’t know if I can make it last anyway…
And why, oh why, do I ask for the opinions of others?
I just want them to make my decision for me.
BUT when I follow their lead blindly I am never happy with where I end up.
What are they to do with a girl like me?
Wake Up In The Morning No More?
I'm thinkin' pretty heavily about changing the name of my blog...
Now it just reminds me of Kesha. Which isn't so super cool.
What do you think?
Now it just reminds me of Kesha. Which isn't so super cool.
What do you think?
February 17, 2010
Courtney just got home and is fixing to cut Bryce's hair. He's is talking with me about Richard Gere and how he is the mothman from the Mothman Prophecy movie. Then Bryce hits me on the knee with a hammer and walks off.
Now I hear Courtney and Bryce in the bathroom, her cutting his hair. I love their conversations.
Today has been an unexpectedly good day.
I got up this morning at six, having gotten less sleep than normal. Surprisingly I wasn't groggy. Made coffee. Sat down at the table and read about Jacob meeting Rachel in the Bible. I'm finding myself not liking Jacob as much as I remember liking him other times I had read the story. And it's hard for me to not like someone. I think it is because he kind of yanked both Esau's birthright and blessing out from underneath him. I'm finding myself thinking, "Just get over it... that's how the story happened. Don't worry about it." I never expected to invest myself into the stories in Genesis. I don't know why. But I've been surprised, and joyously so.
I've been contemplating more and more lately the concept of being godly. I'm so thankful for my pastor, Matt Chandler. His words help me understand grace more clearly. It's finally dawning on me that "... it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast." Thank you, God.
After I eat breakfast I prep for work and talk with Courtney before we head out. We meet back up at work. We usually carpool, but after work she went out to buy my birthday present (score!). After work I went to my sister's for a few minutes and then came home.
Cut to now. Stephanie is sitting in front of the TV eating cereal and watching The Real World. Courtney and Bryce are still cuttin' some hair. Steph keeps saying stuff like, "Come on!" and, "Don't you think The Real World: Hawaii was better?" She's just precious.
I better go hang out with my awesome roommates. Cause they rule and make me feel so happy to be who I am. :)
Talk soon, CB
Now I hear Courtney and Bryce in the bathroom, her cutting his hair. I love their conversations.
Today has been an unexpectedly good day.
I got up this morning at six, having gotten less sleep than normal. Surprisingly I wasn't groggy. Made coffee. Sat down at the table and read about Jacob meeting Rachel in the Bible. I'm finding myself not liking Jacob as much as I remember liking him other times I had read the story. And it's hard for me to not like someone. I think it is because he kind of yanked both Esau's birthright and blessing out from underneath him. I'm finding myself thinking, "Just get over it... that's how the story happened. Don't worry about it." I never expected to invest myself into the stories in Genesis. I don't know why. But I've been surprised, and joyously so.
I've been contemplating more and more lately the concept of being godly. I'm so thankful for my pastor, Matt Chandler. His words help me understand grace more clearly. It's finally dawning on me that "... it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast." Thank you, God.
After I eat breakfast I prep for work and talk with Courtney before we head out. We meet back up at work. We usually carpool, but after work she went out to buy my birthday present (score!). After work I went to my sister's for a few minutes and then came home.
Cut to now. Stephanie is sitting in front of the TV eating cereal and watching The Real World. Courtney and Bryce are still cuttin' some hair. Steph keeps saying stuff like, "Come on!" and, "Don't you think The Real World: Hawaii was better?" She's just precious.
I better go hang out with my awesome roommates. Cause they rule and make me feel so happy to be who I am. :)
Talk soon, CB
Another Cute Boy...
Maybe I should just make this a blog about guys?
Seems like there are plenty of cute ones out there...
But I wouldn't do that to you guys (whoever actually reads...)
Gavin DeGraw... : )
Seems like there are plenty of cute ones out there...
But I wouldn't do that to you guys (whoever actually reads...)
Gavin DeGraw... : )
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