Things I Miss About You:
I miss the rain. The sky would get dark and you just knew it was coming. I miss driving in the rain, running through the rain, smelling the rain. I even miss the days it didn't rain but pretended it might.
I miss the roadways. For the most part everyone drove rather sensibly. The ones that didn't were probably from New Mexico. I could generally get from A to B without much fuss and without too many swear words.
I miss the food. You can get sweet tea most anywhere you go. I miss the bread and even the Tex-Mex. I miss the hysterics over fried fried food that came from Chance and Bryce's mouths. I miss barbeque. I miss sushi.
I miss Debbie. Debbie was so comforting and such a good friend. She was so level-headed when I talked about my problems. I miss her cooking and I really miss her cinnamon coffee. I miss the days I came home and a bunch of candles were lit and she was sitting in the living watching old episodes of Bewitched. I miss going to garage sales and driving around listening to the oldies station. I miss her zeal for life.
I miss my sister and her crazy family. She was always up for most anything. If I needed someone to join me for lunch or a day out she was there. I miss L, R, and Q. They are growing up without me. I miss making forts in my closet. I miss them asking if they can help me cook. I miss Q looking up at me as if asking me to pick her up. I miss the girls splashing while in the bath. I miss being waken by, "HEY, Aunt Cass." I miss Mark calling me dude and homie and stuff like that.
I miss all the action. Horse races, the circus, Disney on ice, going to shows, lunch with Barb, basketball games, Six Flags, going to Longview, going to Houston, going mini-golfing. There was always something to do.
I miss living on my own. I miss quiet nights at home. I miss staying up late. I miss getting up early. I miss sitting on the balcony on a dark summer night. I miss driving with my windows down on the way to work.
I miss you. I'll see you soon.
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